Hello everyone!
Welcome to the Waystation for March 2023!
This is our monthly newsletter, talking about our progress towards the land of Shambhala.
We use this for communication on three main levels:
1-The direction of the struggle towards Shambhala.
2-To let you know about the upcoming activities.
3-To discuss any major rituals or issue that impacts the whole Kula.
Also, we will gently remind you of the ways you can support us.
So let’s dive right in!
1-The direction of the struggle towards Shambhala
We’re starting the year of the Water Hare with a running leap.
Right now, we have three cohorts at the same time. Cohort III and IV of Path-1 and Cohort I of Path-2. Right now, three cohorts at the same time are probably what we can consistently maintain without sacrificing quality.
So, as Cohort III finishes this month, we’ll open another Path-1 (introductory) level Cohort, Cohort V. If you like to join up, please sign up to this list.
So if you’re starting out, this is where you need to go!
2-Upcoming activities
Back to our regular, bizarrely intense schedule.
As always, general meetings (Wednesday Guru Hours, the different practice groups, P-2 practice led by Ericsson, etc) will keep happening.
3/6 - Milarepa day. We’ll do an empowerment of Mila’s Guru Yoga, at 21:00 Buenos Aires time in Spanish.
3/11 - Sutra teaching open to all. This month we’ll teach the Bodhipakṣanirdeśa, the Teaching on the aids to Enlightenment. This is a very interesting Sutra, focusing on how to do Mindfulness meditation within a Madhyamika, Mahayana conceptual framework. You can sign up for this now, here. At 3 pm EST.
3/12 - The empowerment of Sitatapatra, a powerful female Buddha who protects and reverses black magic and enemy mantra. This is open for people who have already some experience in P-2 or similar with other deities. You can sign up for this here. At 3 pm EST.
3/18 - Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment from the Anu class. This is an uncommon empowerment, from the Nyingma school which deals with some Dzogchen language.
3-Major rituals and/or Issues
We’d like to start the year being enriched in practices, in life and in means. For that, on 3/25 we’ll do a Wealth puja, and we invite everyone!
How to support the Dharma teachings
As always, you can help us through the Tier system:
T-1 Monthly support (everything is paid up)
T2-Upasaka (reduced support + discount for workshops)
Monthly support
T3-Dharmakara (no financial support, credit by work basis)
At this moment, the current credit rate is 10 hours = 1 credit.
You can exchange 1 credit for one workshop or one session of a long-form course. Remember that we will track commitment and those who do not complete their commitment will not be eligible for further T-3 work. If you’d rather not, you can buy the courses and workshops full price.
You can sign up for this T-3 here by writing to us to: bastardesdelbuda@gmail.com
May the path to Shambhala opens quickly for you!
In Dharma