Happy Losar!
This is the beginning of the Year of the Wooden Snake, which starts on the night of 2/28. May this year brings you the flexibility of the snake and the growth of the Wood element!
We have several announcements to make, but as always, let’s get the usual out of the way:
Useful links
For those new, our useful links are:
If you are new, start HERE: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/start-here
What is Vajrayana?: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/vajrayana
WTF is Tantra?: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/wtf-is-tantra
Our Mission: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/mission
Our Structure – i.e. where we talk about our maps, systems and how to practice: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/structure
Our membership programs - https://www.tantricsorcery.com/subscriptions
Sometimes people ask: what do you do with the money you raise? We pay for things. Like trips to teach the Dharma, like our Zoom, our Otter.ai transcribing service or the thousand things we do to keep teaching. Remember that money shouldn’t be a problem. We have free activities every month.
But basically you give us money. We put it to use in the teaching of Dharma.
Special Announcements
First: We have date and location for the Mara Roast 2025, our yearly gathering!
The event will be in Portland, Oregon, US from September 29th through October 5th. We’ll tell you more about it shortly, together with prices and options, but you can start getting your air tickets (if you need them) and the days ready!
In case you’re unfamiliar, the Mara Roasts are our yearly event, a blend of festival and intensive teaching.
Also, did you know that Lama Jilly has two podcasts?
She has Kitty Buddha, a Podcast where she teaches about the Mahasiddhas, which you can find here:
Plus Mantras & Magic, a podcast that deals with the Witchy side of things:
Give them a listen!
And finally: we’re going to party because we got a new Lama, Lama Chris finishing his Lama training and Losar! We’re going to be giving the Gurus Yogas for those who have completed P1, to prepare for a new cycle of P2, that starts in March.
Monthly activities
First, we start on 2/1 by teaching a Sutra in an open, free for all session here: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/event-details/ensenanza-abierta-como-no-pensar-o-el-avikalpapravesha-dharani
Then, we have the empowerment of Mahamayuri Bodhisattva, also open to all on 2/1: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/event-details/open-for-all-mahamayuri-bodhisattva
We close 2/1 with an empowerment of White Tara, open and free for all: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/event-details/iniciacion-tara-blanca-del-vi-karmapa
On 2/2, we celebrate with Lama Chris his graduation, open and free for all: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/event-details/lama-chris-graduation-ceremony
On 2/8, for those who have completed P1, we have an empowerment of the Peaceful Guru: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/event-details/p1-empowerment-of-the-peaceful-guru
On 2/15, for those who have completed P2, we have a very secret empowerment, of Guru Senge Dradok, champion against black magic: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/event-details/p2-empowerment-of-guru-senge-dradok-vajrapani-and-padmasambhava-combined
On 2/22, for those who have completed P1, we have an empowerment of Dzambhala, the Lord of Wealth deities: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/event-details/p1-dzambhala-lord-of-wealth-empowerment
On 2/23, we have our monthly P3 session: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/event-details/p-3-monthly-session-5
And finally, on 3/1 we celebrate Losar, the tibetan new year: https://www.tantricsorcery.com/event-details/open-for-everyone-come-celebrate-losar-with-us
May you have a wonderful year of the Snake!
#trc ##buddhism #sorcery #vajrayana #woodsnake #mararoast #guruyoga #tantra