Hello everyone!
Welcome to the Waystation for April 2023!
This is our monthly newsletter, talking about our progress towards the land of Shambhala.
We use this for communication on three main levels:
1-The direction of the struggle towards Shambhala.
2-To let you know about the upcoming activities.
3-To discuss any major rituals or issue that impacts the whole Kula.
Also, we will gently remind you of the ways you can support us.
So let’s dive right in!
1-The direction of the struggle towards Shambhala
This is one basterd of a month. A true one. We have several hard-hitting news.
First: There’s a new Mara Roast! And this is the first one where I will join you in person!
Yes, me, Lama Fede. I’m travelling to the US for 2023 Mara Roast in late May and beginning June. I’ll be there to give empowerments, teachings and party like it’s the Ganacakra before the end of the world. Then on this year’s late months, Lama Sherab will travel here for an Annihilation Puja.
But this year, we’ll roast Mara together!
If you want to learn about it, please let us know here.
Remember, we’re already setting up activities for it, so hurry!
2-Upcoming activities
Oh, boy.
This month is stacked.
As always, general meetings (Wednesday Guru Hours, the different practice groups, P-2 practice led by Ericsson, etc) will keep happening. But, we will have:
4/5: Both the Guruyoga empowerment for Cohort VI and the first MaraRoast 2023 planning gathering.
4/7: Cohort V starts.
4/8: The Mahayana Sutra about dependent origination (Āryaśālistambanāmamahāyānasūtra) gets taught!
4/14: Our special Taskforce, Dharmapalas of Shambhala starts (see below)
4/15: A secret form of Vajrapani in the Anuttara level, Vajrapani Mahacakra empowerment and the secret protection mantra.
4/22: Path 2 - Cohort 1: Vajrasattva Heruka empowerment.
4/29: Teaching of the prosperity ritual A Rain of Flowers.
3-Major rituals and/or Issues
So, we have two major things going. Let’s start with the last one.
On 4/29, we’ll give the transmission and the teaching for the ritual “A Rain of Flowers” by Dechen Lingpa. This is an incredible ritual, filled with both tantric and Dzogchen language, to increase wealth and power.
But on 4/14… we have something special.
So, we’re having worldwide meets. I’m travelling, Lama Sherab will travel, and we’ll all meet. But, as we know, I’m sure obstacles will arise. So, we need, whenever we do something big, to take that resistance into account. We need to be strategic, but also sorcerous.
So we’ll have a special working group, the Dharmapalas of Shambhala to work this. It’s open, it’s free and we’ll teach how to work with some protectors, to dissolve obstacles for the teaching of the Dharma. The only requirement is that you have taken refuge and are a Buddhist.
Each time that we’ll open it, we’ll do it for a limited time. Here, we’ll start on 4/14 and we’ll continue until the Mara Roast. If you want to take part, you need to commit to a daily practice. We’ll work with a particular protector for each time that we open it.
This instance is White Mahakala, the Shining Mountain of Sosadvipa.
There are two levels to this:
If you don’t have the empowerment of the deity, there’s a daily prayer to invoke his blessing.
If you have, expect to do the daily prayer and have a Puja to do weekly, as well as practice the daily practice.
Soon we’ll set up the form to start!
How to support the Dharma teachings
As always, you can help us through the Tier system.
But there’s news!
We’ve set up an automated system, so you can register and don’t worry about monthly payments. There’s a new button to subscribe automatically in each of the tiers.
T2-Upasaka (reduced support + discount for workshops)
T3-Dharmakara (no financial support, credit by work basis)
At this moment, the current credit rate is 10 hours = 1 credit.
You can exchange 1 credit for one workshop or one session of a long-form course. Remember that we will track commitment and those who do not complete their commitment will not be eligible for further T-3 work. If you’d rather not, you can buy the courses and workshops full price.
You can sign up for this T-3 here by writing to us at bastardesdelbuda@gmail.com
May the path to Shambhala opens quickly for you!
In Dharma